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Auto Locksmith

Key Cutting, Programming And Car Lockout Services

For Dunstable, Luton, Harpenden, St Albans, Hertford, Hitchin, Hatfield, Stevenage, Letchworth, Welwyn Garden City and surrounding areas.

Your Mobile Auto Locksmith

Lost your keys or locked them in the car? A quick call to us, and our Auto Locksmith can be with you in Dunstable, Luton, Harpenden, St Albans, Hertford, Hitchin, Hatfield, Stevenage, Letchworth, Welwyn Garden City and surrounding areas in as little as 30 minutes.


If you've locked your keys in the car, we can use non-destructive methods, such as lock picking, to access your vehicle and get you back on the road. If you've completely lost your keys, we have the equipment to cut and program a new key for your car on the spot, whether that's roadside or at your home.  


Our prices are hard to beat too! There’s no call-out fee, and you’ll only be charged upon job completion. No entry, no charge. Best of all, you won’t have to pay VAT. Unlike national Auto Locksmiths or local dealerships that must add VAT to your bill, we can save you at least 20%, with our services potentially costing up to 50% less than dealership prices.


Feel free to give NJS Auto Locksmith a call at 07377 961069


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